Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Still Alive

True to form, I start a blog, forget to write a few days and then a whole month goes by.  Updates from my end, my weight loss has leveled out to 192 and I have added back in whole grains in the form of oatmeal in the morning and the 1-2 beers at night (but not every night.)  I'm reluctant to lose any more weight as I am back in a normal BMI.  My goal is to work on improving my cardiovascular endurance and strengthen my core.

I'm on week 4 of a couch to 5K training program and am trying to start to a kettle bell training program.  There is no rush on this.  I figure I will spend the next 2-3 months concentrating on these workouts and once I feel I am at a good level of fitness I will decide if I want to do a bigger workout.  Something along the lines of a Body for Life or P90X.  But honestly if I keep up with my running and kettle bells I should get myself if pretty good shape.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Good Day

So the funny thing about starting a blog when you are several weeks into a diet is you are writing about achievements by your second entry.  At my heaviest I clocked in at 213 lbs.  Over several months without much effort I dropped down to 200 lbs before officially beginning a regimented diet.  I basically cut out the dumb foods (less beer, no fast food) and started walking more.  3 weeks ago I began a low-carb diet and I'm down to 194 as of this morning.  I have measurements and such, I will need to post them later.

I haven't been below 200 in a couple of years and I haven't been below 195 in well over 5 years.  The timing is fortuitous because a couple of months ago I blew out the knee in my favorite pair of jeans.  I'm not 17 and therefore should not wear pants with holes in them on a regular basis.  Well my waist has shrunk and I now fit in a pair of jeans that were my favorites back around 2007 but sadly have not fit in years.  Nothing like shopping in your own closet!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Getting Back to Being Athletic

Hi world, I'm Dave and I just turned 33 on the first of this month.  I'm married to an incredible woman and we decided that we wanted to be healthier parents to our wonderful two-year-old.  Of course we have our own individual goals and aspirations, but big picture we want to be around a long time and we want him to grow up in a household that exercises and cares about nutrition.  This blog is about my piece of that journey and was inspired by my wife who already started a blog and invited me to read it.

The first thing to get out of the way is I am not a writer.  I envy people who are writers because I have always had trouble trying to find the way to say what is really on my mind.  When I write its often in spurts, deleted, edited, rewritten, proofread, and then posted.  So it looks very polished but it takes forever.  I don't have the time for that.  So I hope that writing this blog may help my writing overall, be a way to document my own fitness progress, and hopefully let me be a bit more supportive for my wife Julie.  It doesn't seem fair that she lets me read her blog and I can't do the same.  So cards on the table, you could be in for some awful reads.  Set your expectations low and hopefully I can surprise you.

Now that I knocked my own writing style, let me tell you a little more about me and where I want to go.  I was always a tall skinny kid growing up.  I graduated high school at 6'3" and weighing 165 pounds.  No idea what my body fat percentage was but it was very low.  I raced mountain bikes, ran track, and just had an insanely fast metabolism.  When I say this now a lot of people who are trying to lose weight and get fit are jealous.  But being a skinny man is not something that society accepts. I've been asked if I was anorexic, was really shy, and had no confidence in myself.  Fortunately we all grow out of some things and after my body finally stopped getting taller I was able to add on some muscle weight in college.  I graduated weighing around 185 and in the many years that followed I continued to work out and maintain a good level of fitness.

That went off the rails in about 2006.  We bought a house that needed work.  Going to the gym was replaced by hanging drywall.  I wasn't happy with my career and started taking night classes.  We got married.  The house needed more work.  The classes got harder.  We needed a new kitchen.  We had a baby.  You blink and you are out of your mid-twenties and into your mid-30s and you gained nearly 30 pounds and are told you have high cholesterol.

My weight doesn't really bother me.  Having been as skinny as I was growing up finally having some weight was not a bad thing for me psychologically.  What really bothered me is being weaker and slower than I have been in 10+ years.  The good news is school is done, I walked in May and got my Masters.  The house is in decent shape, still plenty to do but manageable.  And our baby is now a very active toddler.  So the time is right to focus on rebuilding what I lost and hopefully making many more gains.  It will let me feel better about myself and will let me be a better dad and husband.  Here's to the journey!